Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the story!

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January 22nd 2020
I just saw Ira again. Her knee is totally better. Praise God!
She totally attributes her healing to Jesus!
Today she had pain in the back of her leg, and strange bruising and pain on her hand – which she says keeps moving round her body.
She asked me to pray for her. So I did!
The pain in her leg went as I prayed, and she says she knows the bruising and pain on her hand will go too, that Jesus will heal her!
She told me that unexpectedly yesterday she was asked to stand in for another radio presenter for a show she’s never done before … one that plays Christian music!
She said she found the words of the songs really meaningful.
The director wants her to do the show again as they had more call ins than ever with her presenting it.
God is doing something very amazing!
I was able to give her the gospel card we have at church and share some more about Jesus with her.
She believes in Jesus, but that he is just one of many ways to God.
Please pray for her, for revelation of Jesus as the only way.
He is working!
My Favourite Healing Resources
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I love these books! They stir faith and action in me!
Listen to my message: Encounter Jesus: Healing
(With ministry to receive and minister healing!)

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