Yesterday, God told me I’m beautiful.
Father God told me I’m beautiful.
No one’s ever said that to me before. That I remember.
Father God told me I’m more beautiful to Him than all the galaxies put together. I’m more beautiful than all creation.
He told me I have lovely eyes – He loves the colours – a beautiful nose, and lovely lips…
God then showed me a picture of the little rabbit my son Josh made for his younger sister, Miriam, when he was 11 years old. It’s hand-sewn, with irregular stitching, made from scraps of felt. Much love went into its creation.
Ten years on, this bunny is still treasured. To anyone else it would look strangely stitched together, and they wouldn’t know its story or preciousness.
To Miriam, and to me, it has incredible worth and value. It’s a reminder of a very special love.
God told me I am of even more value than this funny little bunny. This made me laugh and cry all at the same time!
Whatever others think of me, however I see myself, I am so so precious to Him.
I am beautiful!
It’s amazing how God speaks. He chose an image that spoke volumes to me and touched me deeply. It would mean little to anyone else. But God knows me. Personally!
I didn’t even know I had a wound that needed healing.
A word from the Father changes everything!
God has words of love to speak to you too. Quiet your heart before him, and ask, ‘Father God, what do you think of me?’
The way I most easily enter God’s presence and hear Him speak to me is through worship. I love to lie on my bed, soak in worship, and in His presence.
I’ve put together some of my favourite songs of intimacy and encounter in this YouTube playlist:
I encourage you, take time soon to rest in God’s presence and receive from Him. He has words of love and intimacy to speak to you.
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