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Thank you so much for your willingness to leave a review for my book Forever Loved: Eve’s Story. I really appreciate it!
Every review counts! The more reviews a book has on Amazon (or other bookstores), the more it is promoted. Reviews also play a huge role in customers deciding whether to buy the book or not!
Below I list places you can leave reviews, tips on leaving reviews, and other ways you can help share the book (and images/descriptions to help you share it).
Places to leave reviews:
Places I’d most love reviews are Amazon and Goodreads, but I’ve listed several other places if you have a few extra minutes and want to help further. Thank you!!
You can cut and paste the same review in more than one place to make it easier!
- Amazon. Scroll down the Amazon book page till you find the review section.
- Goodreads (Reviews on Goodreads will also show up on The Book Depository.)
- Eden
- Kobo
- Barnes and Noble
- Wordery
- Waterstones
- Or where ever else you bought the book!
Tips for leaving reviews:
- Your review doesn’t have to be long. Just one or two sentences is great!
- Best things to say: what you think of the book, how God touched you through the book, why you recommend the book to others…
You don’t have to have bought the book on Amazon to leave a review there. Anyone who has spent more than $50/£50 in the past on Amazon is allowed to review anything.
Thank you!!

Other Ways to Share:
Social Sharing
Visit my Forever Loved: Eve’s Story page and use the social sharing buttons to share via Facebook, Pinterest, or Whatsapp. Thank you! You’re wonderful 🙂
Review the book. Interview me. Host a Giveaway!
I’d love to feature on your blog, podcast, or show; or provide a book for a giveaway. Please contact me here.

Images to help you share the book:
Right click on any image and ‘Save image as…’ to save a copy to your device. Upload image to social media or your blog.
Please link to the Forever Loved: Eve’s Story sales page:

Please link to the ‘Treasures Hidden in the Story of Eve’ page:

Descriptions to help you share the book:
Copy and paste any of the descriptive pieces below, or parts of them, when sharing Forever Loved: Eve’s Story:
Back Cover Blurb:
Eve. First woman. First to be tempted. First to sin.
But what if there were more to her story than that?
Forever Loved: Eve’s Story is the story of Father and daughter, as told by Eve. It is a story of preciousness and beauty, of tender love and grace. Through Eve, God reveals his Father heart of love for you, his precious daughter. He whispers to you now, and calls you closer.
Forever Loved: Eves’s Story includes:
My Story: The author’s personal story of encountering God as Father
Eve’s Story: A beautifully creative and imaginative retelling of the Bible story of Eve
Your Story: Encouragement and prayers to take you deeper into God’s presence
Alternative book description:
Forever Loved: Eve’s Story is the story of Father and daughter, as told by Eve. It is the story of a love so deep, so passionate, so beautiful, it pursues Eve even in her darkest moment, lavishing forgiveness, life and hope on her. It is the story of the Father’s heart for you, his precious daughter. He whispers to you now and calls you closer.
Other descriptive phrases:
Experience Eve’s story anew. Discover just how loved you are!
The story of Father and daughter, as told by Eve.
A revelation of the Father’s love for women.
An encounter with the Father love of God.
You may also quote short passages from the actual book, as long as you provide the following attribution: ‘From the book Forever Loved: Eve’s Story by Joanna May Chee’

My Bio:
Cut and paste whatever you want of it! This bio is most suited for official reviews/blog posts. If you’re sharing informally with friends, or know me personally, then feel free to write something less formal.
Joanna May Chee gets excited about God! She loves to write, and is often awake in the night with a million ideas for her next book or project. It is her heart to encourage and equip women to love their families and meet with God. Joanna blogs at and, where her blog posts, free resources and courses are a source of encouragement and inspiration to women around the world. Joanna, her husband, and four children have lived and ministered in Malaysia, Bosnia and Turkey, and are now settled near London. Connect with Joanna: | |

Thank you for your help!