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Friday 17th January 2020
So excited! I got to pray healing for someone in my local park today!
I’ve been hugely stirred by a book I’ve just read called A Diary of Miracles by Aliss Cresswell.
This book is a record of the daily salvations, healings and miracles Aliss saw in her cafe near Chester, UK, over 10 years ago. (The salvations, healings and miracles have continued, and Aliss and her husband Rob now have an international ministry training others to live a Spirit Lifestyle.)
If God can do it for Aliss, he can do it for me! If God can do it in Chester, he can do it here! I don’t have a cafe, and I don’t feel any leading to open one. But I do see people when I walk my dog each morning, and when I go out to the local shops.
In my mind’s eye I see myself praying healing for people at the park and outside my local shops. I see healings and salvations!
And so, each morning on my dog walk this last week, I’ve been asking God for openings to pray for people!
This morning was amazing. I was literally walking and praying, ‘God, let us see your miracles again, let us see your glory at work (Psalm 90), let this field (where I walk my dog) be a place of healings and miracles, give me opportunities…’, when a lady who’s often walking the same time as me changed her walking direction and came right over to me!
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[convertkit form=5146817]We’ve said hello a few times but today she came straight to me and stopped to chat.
The first thing she started to tell me about was her bad knee … how she went to a specialist yesterday … and that she also has MS.
I had asked God to make my first time easy. This lady literally walked to me and told me her problem!! Thank you Lord!
I told her about Jesus healing my knee last year and about people getting healed at our church, that I believe Jesus heals, and could I pray for her!
She said, ‘Yes’, and told me she goes to the temple and prays for God to heal her but she would like to pray to Jesus.
She let me lay hands on her (this was at the beginning of the year before social distancing) and pray healing in Jesus name for her knee and MS. Afterwards she said, ‘I know God will heal me,’ then added, ‘I know Jesus will heal me!!’
I will see her again to find out what’s happened. She was so grateful and touched. I am so excited God answered my wanting to be used and gave me courage.
Please pray with me for this lady’s complete healing and salvation.
Praise God!!
Read: Healing in the Park, Part 2. Find out what happens next!
My Favourite Healing Resources
Click on books for more details!
I love these books! They stir faith and action in me!
Listen to my message: Encounter Jesus: Healing
(With ministry to receive and minister healing!)
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