Stories of Dreams, Healings and Miracles
I haven’t written a blog post for a long time. To be honest I’ve been rather unsure as to the purpose of this site, and haven’t known what to write!
I originally created this site when I launched my book Forever Loved: Eve’s Story. My heart was to help women grow in identity as God’s precious daughters.
That is still my heart … but it is so much more than that, too!
I long to see others not only find identity, but also freedom and purpose in Jesus.
I long to see the church fulfill its destiny.
Our great commission is to glorify God and make disciples, to bring healing, salvation and deliverance to those around us, and help them grow in ministering the same to others.
When they saw him (Jesus), they worshipped him … Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations … Matthew 28:17-19
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received! Matthew 10:8
I long to see the Holy Spirit poured out, not only in our Sunday meetings, but on our streets and in our families, communities and workplaces.
And so, I feel stirred to begin a new blog series: God Encounters.
I plan to document what God is doing in my life and in my community. I’ll share what God is speaking to me. I’ll share stories of God at work, of dreams, of miracles and healings. God is moving and it’s exciting!
I pray my experiences and stories stir you to greater intimacy with Jesus, greater passion for the lost; and increased faith for all God wants to do in you and through you!
Read my first story: God Encounters: Healing in the Park
It’s good!
Sign up to emails from Joanna May Chee to be notified of future God Encounter stories:
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