Every now and again, I like to share a round-up post of what God is speaking to me, and share links to some of my favourite resources. Here you go!
Hello beautiful friend!
How are you?
My heart is full of all God is doing.
It’s not been an easy summer in many ways – unexpectedly emotional with holiday bookings gone wrong and my son receiving downgraded A’Level results and not getting his place at university this year (COVID 19 meant he couldn’t take his exams).
But amidst the upset and uncertainty, God is and always will be faithful.
Our holiday got sorted out and we had a special time away with family.
And I know God will work for good in my son’s life, although his next year is uncertain and will be very different from planned.
This post was originally an email sent out to Joanna May Chee subscribers. Receive content like this straight to your inbox:
[convertkit form=5146817]God’s been doing deep things in me.
He’s come in greater intimacy than I’ve ever known.
He’s also revealed areas of my life where I’ve needed to repent and find freedom: pride, control, fear … things I didn’t even know were there.
It seems an accelerated work, one I was not expecting. I feel God is preparing me for something bigger and greater, for his purpose and glory.
Song of Songs Chapter 2 (The Passion Translation) sums it up beautifully …
10 The one I love calls to me:
Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling.
Come away with me!
I have come as you have asked
to draw you to my heart and lead you out.
For now is the time, my beautiful one.
11 The season has changed,
the bondage of your barren winter has ended,
and the season of hiding is over and gone…
13 Can you not discern this new day of destiny
breaking forth around you?
15 You must catch the troubling foxes,
those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship.
For they raid our budding vineyard of love
to ruin what I’ve planted within you.
Will you catch them and remove them for me?
We will do it together.
… Jesus comes, calling us to intimacy with Him, speaking promise of a new season and destiny, revealing the ‘sly little foxes’ in our lives (our attitudes, behaviours, and habits He wants to deal with).
I love that He comes in love and promise first.
There is safety in His love.
Then He gently reveals all He wants to set us free from. He says, ‘We will do it together.’
God calls us to deeper and higher levels of intimacy and freedom … because He loves us … and because He has incredible purpose and destiny for us.
I share one of the moments of intimacy I experienced with God this summer in this blog post: God Encounters: I am Beautiful!
What God spoke is personal to me, but I pray the post stirs you to hunger and seek for greater intimacy with God. He has beautiful things to speak to you too.
I also share a ‘letter from God’ based on Song of Songs 2 here: A Letter of Promise from God: My Dear Daughter, I Come to You Today
God’s moving in my community
I recently shared the story of being able to pray for a lady in our local park. Here’s the next installment: God Encounters: Healing in the Park, Part 2
I have so many more stories to share with you of God’s healing power.
Just this last week we saw a Muslim lady get out of her wheelchair, touched and healed by God of severe arthritis. I’ll share the whole story in a future blog post. God is on the move!
God wants to speak to you too!
Lastly, I’d like to share a couple of powerful videos I’ve watched recently:
Lana Vawser: Many Women of God are about to Mother a Movement Yes!
Michael Dalton: Empowering Every Believer to Learn God’s Voice This is just wow!!
And my favourite song at the moment: ‘Echo Holy’ by Red Rocks Worship.
I love the line, ‘A million angels fall face down on the floor…’
I am overwhelmed by God’s presence as I imagine worshiping with those million angels!
I encourage you to take some time soaking in God’s presence this week. He has much to speak to you too!
Have a blessed day!
with much love,
Joanna xx
PS. Leave a comment and let me know what God is doing in your life, or what I can pray for you at the moment. I love to hear from you!

This post was originally an email sent out to Joanna May Chee subscribers. Receive content like this straight to your inbox:
[convertkit form=5146817]
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